Changed in release 2.47 (6th July 2023) --------------------------------------- General system : o BUGFIX: In the design navigator, if you browse a custom pad or outline that contains a slot or extra hole, and then browse a standard pad definition, the slot/hole features for the previously browsed pad/outline were being displayed over the top of the standard pad shape. Artwork checker: o BUGFIX: In the checker report, the following error header was sometimes displayed even though no such error had been detected or part pins were being reported - "The part pins at the following locations have the same pin number assigned to the top and bottom layer pads, but no through plated hole or slot is present" Artwork powerplane generation: o BUGFIX: If the artwork contained slots having perforated breakout regions, then the slot and hole features were sometimes digitised into the artwork powerplane layer with the wrong dimensions. Component outline editor: o BUGFIX: If you selected slots/extra holes mode and then returned to the normal edit mode, then it was no longer possible to insert or edit component outline features. Changed in release 2.46 (4th July 2023) --------------------------------------- General system : o BUGFIX: If the program was terminated with a log file open and in minimized state, then log files would not display correctly on subsequent runs of the program. Artwork checker: o The artwork checker will now report on interference of slots/extra holes with other artwork features. o BUGFIX: If a part was placed at a 45 degree angle, and 'Amend->Replace Pad' was used to change the style of a part pin to a finger shaped pad, then clearance or short circuit violations were incorrectly being reported at the location of the restyled pad. Artwork editor: o For slots and extra holes that penetrate a power plane, the powerplane generator will now create clearance around slot/hole features that should not connect to the powerplane. When using the outline editor to create pinstacks for pins on a component, if a part pin has a custom pad within the pinstack and the custom pad has a 'through plated' slot/extra hole defined within the boundary of the pad, then the slot/extra hole may form a connection to the powerplane according to the net association of the part pin. 'Extra holes' connecting to the power plane will have a heat relief feature as for normal drill holes. Slots connecting to the power plane do not currently have any heat relief. o BUGFIX: By using CNC datasets, you can create slots and extra holes that do not penetrate all board layers. When a set of layers was being displayed, and none of the displayed layers was affected by a slot/hole feature, then the feature was still being displayed. o BUGFIX: If a board profile was positioned such that part of it was in negative coordinate space, then the artwork copper fill routine was producing corrupt infill. Component outline editor : o BEHAVIOUR CHANGE: If a custom pad contained slots or extra holes, then the slots/holes were not being displayed unless a pad was also placed on the pinstack 'inner' layer. This was not the intent with slots and extra holes, as the decision on whether they are drilled or not is determined by the layer drilling scope as defined in the CNC dataset selected for the slot/extra hole. Custom pads will now have their slots/extra holes displayed regardless of which pinstack layer they are located on. However, if custom pads having slot/extra holes are placed on multiple layers of an outline pinstack, then the slots/holes that get displayed are chosen from one pinstack layer only. The pinstack layer used will be the first layer with slots/holes when processing the pinstack in the order 'top layer','inner layers','bottom layer'.